I need to stop reading about what is going on in our world. I keep thinking enough folks who can see what it happening will begin to speak out and say, “Oh, yeah. We need to turn this ship around!” But that isn’t happening. I keep waking up sure that I’ve arrived in some strange twilight zone where truth is now fiction, light is now darkness, and sensibility is really foolishness. Civility is gone. Intellectual debate has been transformed into insults, rude vitriole, and vomit-like spittle. What used to make sense is now insanity focused on light hair, a bad tan, and legs. The anxiety in our society has reached such a fever-pitch that we are grasping at nonsense for solutions, following as outlier like a savior, and accepting the unacceptable.The twilight zone is here. The outer limits has become our reality. And I’ve got to quit reading the news, hoping to see something change. We have a turned a corner and are heading straight for disaster.

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